Sunday, October 23, 2016


LOVE AND HIP HOP HOLLYWOOD rumors, Moniece Slaughter is planning on releasing her own sex tape with baby daddy LilFizz. As a result, the duo met to discuss the strategy they were going to take surrounding the sex tape’s release. They agreed that they had to control the circumstances under which the sex tape would be released, especially for the sake of their daughter. STUPID!!!! ON ALL LEVELS.............................

The former couple also tried to confront Jason Lee, who is currently the one threatening to release the tape in an effort to “get back at” Moniece. Both Lil’Fizz and Moniece begged Jason not to release the tape, and Moniece threatened to take Jason to court if he insisted on releasing the tape.

"Jason told them he wasn't worried her and her petty behavior. Legal court or one of public opinion has never scared him. Jason also dropped a Bigger bomb by telling them he'd rather sell the story of how Moniece got pregnant fucking Shaquille O.Neil while he was a married man. Said she was a worthless piece of Genetic Garbage and if she don't want the world seeing her pussy online she needs to stop giving it so freely"

HAHA! Looks like Jason is on some real Shizzle and we will have to wait and see how Moniece fires back. 

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